Ian Potter ‘Wild Play Garden’

Ian Potter ‘Wild Play Garden’

The Ian Potter “Wild Play Garden” in Sydney’s Centenial Park was designed for children (and adults) to immerse  themselves in a host of scenarios of adventurous  ‘nature play’.

AusTimber were chosen to provided a whole range of timber products during its build including: heavy walking beams, decking, slats for play houses and walking bridges and also garden seating in a mix of Grey Ironbark and Spotted Gum timbers.

Even if you can’t get to Centennial Park to see it for yourself, here is a preview of what was done.

Spotted Gum “Climbing House”

Walking Bridge

Curved Deck

Grey Ironbark Walking Beams

Arc by Crown – another MBA Award

Arc by Crown – another MBA Award

Another project supplied by AusTimber has won a Master Builder’s’ Association “Excellence in Construction” award.

Hutchinson Builders have taken out the 2019 award for their ‘Arc by Crown’ project in Sydney’s CBD.

Blackbutt decking as shown in these images was supplied and installed by AusTimber.

Blackbutt decking by Austimber

Hutchinson Builders wins award

Arc By Crown 

Westmead Hospital Batten Cladding

Westmead Hospital Batten Cladding

10,000 lm of variiable width and thickness Victorian Ash batten cladding was supplied by AusTimber  to the Westmead Hospital (NSW) in early part of 2020.

Victorian Ash Wall Cladding

Variable Width and Thickness Cladding

Westmead Hospital Wall Cladding

AusTimber facility is now fully solar powered

AusTimber facility is now fully solar powered

 After using solar power to run their timber drying kilns for the past 20 years, AusTimber has taken the leap to upgrade to solar power for their whole operation.

“Skyline Solar” were chosen to install a 100kwh solar system on the factory roof as well as a recently installed 40kwh solar system with batteries and electric car charging point at their administration office at Annangrove.

So now, not only are the AusTimber drying kilns running on environmentally friendly solar power, but also the machine shop, their sales and administration office buildings and even the boss’ car as well, greatly reducing the company’s reliance on fossil fuel energy.

As with any business, director Paul Conlon is constantly looking at how to reduce his company’s operating expenses, but he is also passionate about reducing his footprint on the environment and this is just his latest step toward both of those goals. He says that the reduction on power drawn from the grid is so dramatic that he believes the system will pay for itself in a little over 1 year and he feels good about doing his bit for the planet.

For Paul, it was important the company he chose to supply and install these solar systems had a solid business location with an upstanding reputation and sound knowledge of solar products and that he was supporting a local business that had been around for many years, so the choice to use Skyline Solar was an obvious one.

Austimber solar installation – Box Hill

312 x 320w (100kwh) Skyline Solar installation – Box Hill Yard

132 x 300w (40kwh) Solar Panels – Annangrove Office

3 x Tesla Batteries and Vehicle Charging Point – Annangrove Office

Born Again Timber

Born Again Timber

Austimber reclaim “suburban” logs after storms or clearing for construction and road works, utilizing what would otherwise go to low value products like woodchip, garden mulch or firewood, into beautiful and sustainable “reclaimed” timber products.

Reclaimed timber is a viable alternative to using recycled timber from and environmental perspective.

Blue Gum logs recovered from the Cherrybrook Uniting Church in NSW were cut and dried at Austimber’s yard in Sydney, then used in the manufacture of the doors, cruciform and wall panelling at the Anglican Yarra Valley Grammar School’s chapel in Melbourne’s east shown in the pictures below:

3.0m x 1.5m Bluegum Doors

Bluegumm Doors (detail)

Blue Gum Cruciform

Random Width & Thickness Bluegum Wall Cladding

– Perhaps our Reclaimed timber should be called “Born Again Timber” !